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Edmonton Painters Blog
Edmonton Painters Blog
Posted: 1 Sep '17

House Painters: How to Choose a Color Palette for Your Edmonton Home

House Painters Edmonton

Home décor is centered around having a clear-cut colour palette that blends through the house to reflect personal style and lifestyle. As Professional House Painters Edmonton would argue, you can use your colour palette to evoke certain moods across various rooms. Bear in mind that this is by no means an easy task. However, with professional House Painters Edmonton, you will ease through the process effortlessly. So, do you want to put together a colour palette that best suits you? Here are some pointers.

Start By Selecting a Colour for the Largest, Centrally Located Room

In most cases, this is the living room or the kitchen. The plan is to start from the center and work your way outwards. The colour selected for this room creates a tone on which the rest of the colours will evolve. If you are torn of choice, you can never go wrong with a soft neutral hue or white.

Alternatively, Start With the Room You Want To Paint a Bold Colour

If your inspiration is based on achieving a specific bold hue for a particular room, then start with that room. Then spreading outwards, adopt softer and more subdued hues to create an easy blend. However, you can also place bold colours next to each other.

Use Shades of the Same Hue on Your Palette

After picking the right paint for your first room, building the rest of the palette should be easy. You only need to select shades of the same hue for adjacent rooms or walls. Alternatively, if you prefer another colour, choose the nearby colour on the paint chip; up or down. The trick is that you are sure that the colours with blend well together.

Separate Downstairs from Upstairs

This will not only make your work easier but also create a different mood between the floors based on colour selections. To help ease though colour variations, consider using neutral colours for the stairs as well as other connecting areas in the house. However, you can also experiment with bolder hues.

Test Your Palette with Professional House Painters Edmonton

On selecting your desired hues, it is important that you first test the palette with Professional House Painters Edmonton to see if it achieves your objectives. If not, the house painters should offer valuable input on rectifications.

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