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Edmonton Painters Blog
Edmonton Painters Blog
Posted: 13 Jul '16

The Perfect Finish: Choosing the Right Commercial Paint for Walls

Commercial Painting in Edmonton from Repaint Professionals
Owning or managing commercial property takes considerable time and money in maintenance and upkeep. You want to keep your property looking great, yet you also need to keep costs down when it comes to cleaning. One of the largest culprits that affect your bottom line are your walls. There is a lot of square footage to maintain and keep looking great at all times.

As your commercial painting specialists in Edmonton, those of us at Repaint Professionals have some tips to help you reduce the time and money involved by choosing the right commercial paint for your walls.

It's All About the Finish

While choosing expert commercial painters to paint your Edmonton buildings is paramount, the amount of upkeep to keep your walls looking great lies in the finish. In a general sense, the shinier the finish of your paint, the more durable it will be. By the same token however, the less shine on your walls, the more warm the aesthetic.

Glossy Finish

The ultimate in paint durability, glossy finishes repel stains, making them easier to clean and they handle spot-scrubbing well. Glossy paint may work well in high traffic areas, even helping to reduce the amount of lighting required, but can be overwhelming to the eye. Due to the ability to handle scrubbing, glossy finishes work well in areas such as rest rooms, daycare centers and restaurants.

Semi-Gloss and Satin

These finishes are a less shiny than full-on gloss paint, respectively. Semi-gloss will hold up a little better than satin when it comes to splatter and stains, but satin gives a softer finish to your walls. While washing is fine for both paint types, intense scrubbing may wear the finish. Areas such as entrances, stairwells, trims or even commercial use such as beauty salons may benefit from such finishes.

Matte or Flat

With the least amount of gloss in the finish, matte and flat paint finishes are great for light-use areas or walls that have imperfections. While matte has a slightly higher gloss component, neither finish will hold up to scrubbing. A flat finish is better suited to areas that need a warm, distraction-free finish such a boardroom or conference room.

Save Money and Time

Our experts at Repaint Professionals Ltd are your answer to getting your commercial property painted properly and with efficiency. Hiring painters without expert commercial experience may sound cheaper, but at the end of the day, experience counts and it will show in the final product. Contact us for a free estimate and let's get to work.

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