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Edmonton Painters Blog

Why It’s Best to Hold Off on Hiring a Painting Company in the Winter

Why It’s Best to Hold Off on Hiring a Painting Company in the Winter

The chilly months are here again, and all your home needs is a fresh coat of paint. Is it the best idea to undergo a paint renovation during the winter months? Even the best painting companies are sure to raise some valid concerns about winter painting! Here are a few reasons why winter painting may not be in you or your home's best interest! Call us today to learn more. 

Winter Wonderlands Wreak Havoc on Paint Jobs 

If you don't want your paint job to look like an amateur did the work, it's probably best not to hire painting companies in the winter. Even the most qualified professionals can't predict how well your paint will "winter" the proverbial storm. 

Peeling, chipping paint are symptoms of exposure to winter conditions. Paint needs time to cure properly. Winter weather doesn't help ensure the process is successful. Cold exteriors and humid interiors are a recipe for disaster for the paint setting process. 

Ice and snow are two factors to be considered when considering hiring painting companies in the colder months. Gutters, rooflines, and eaves collect large amounts of moisture. These elements can lead to paint disasters. They eventually melt. Where does excess ice and snow end up? As a liquid that seeps into your freshly painted exterior! 

Your Interior Actions Effect Exterior Outlooks 

While cold temperatures hinder paint from adhering to surfaces and curing, your indoor activities may also add problems to the process. Family dinners, laundry days, and doing the daily things people do create water vapor that settles into your home's walls. Water vapor is not inanimate. It's always changing. And when it condenses, it can damage your home's exterior and cause paint peeling. 

Painting companies cannot control what you do inside your house during the winter months! Instead, avoiding hiring painting companies altogether in the winter seems to be the best bet to ensure you get the high-quality paint job you deserve. 

Costly Weather Delays 

Winter weather is unpredictable. Snow and rainstorms can add delays that painting companies will not be able to predict. Some painting companies may charge higher labor costs during the winter months to compensate for the extra labor it may take to ensure a job is well done.  

Book Us This Coming Spring! 

If you want to ensure the paint reno your home undergoes is affordable and is consistently high-quality, winter painting offers no reassurances. You can save yourself from rescheduling and paying extra in the long-term because the paint reacted negatively to cold weather by scheduling painting companies to do the job in springtime. What's your paint vision for your home's exterior? Contact us today! We'll ensure you get all the details so you can make the best decision for your home!