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Edmonton Painters Blog
Edmonton Painters Blog
Posted: 9 Aug '16

Green With Envy: Eco-Friendly Paint

Edmonton Painters from Repaint Professionals
Paint has come a long way from the lead-laden, toxic substance people splashed over their walls and trim with abandon. With better education and concern over how our environment is treated, eco-friendly products have joined the fray but not all are created the same. If you want your Edmonton painters to use eco-friendly paint for your home, there are some things you need to know before choosing your new colours.

Without All Those VOCs

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are toxic off-gases that are released into the atmosphere by many products, including paint. In fact, paint products can produce VOCs for as many as four weeks after application, affecting your indoor air quality and subsequently the environment as they work their way outdoors. 

Most paints now tout claims of low or no VOCs which may not be entirely accurate. This may only refer to the paint's composition and not the tint used to create your colours. To be sure your choice is truly low in or contains no VOCs, speak to your Edmonton painters to see what they recommend.

Environmentally Friendly Isn’t Non-Toxic

While they may be labeled "environmentally friendly", the term is very subjective and does not necessarily mean the products are non-toxic. This is especially true of paints that are designed to prevent mold and mildew. If the paint manufacturer uses ammonia and acetone to kill bacterial and mold growth, you may be investing in paint that contribute to poor health conditions. It is important to learn what is in the paint you are considering before assuming it's healthy or safe. 

Extra Paint? Now What?

Perhaps the most important contribution you can make to a healthier environment is to dispose of leftover paint properly. Edmonton has strict regulations for household hazardous waste and paints that are oil-based or stains fall under this category. If you have used latex products, you might consider donating your unused portions to organizations in need.

Choosing eco-friendly paint products can be a confusing endeavour but the overall health benefits and limited effects on the environment are worth the effort. Our Edmonton painters from Repaint Professionals are experts who can help you choose the best products that will provide you with the best coverage and least environmental impact. Contact us to schedule an estimate or to learn more about eco-friendly choices.

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